Practice Areas
SUBROGATION LAW - Bringing Money Back to Your Business

Federman Law Firm serves as National Recovery Counsel to several insurance companies, implementing/managing their national subrogation programs. We work in tandem with your in-house adjusters, recovery specialists, and corporate or public counsel, or if preferred, we will handle your overflow losses/cases when a backlog occurs. We understand and appreciate the importance of balancing a "plaintiff approach" to recovery with a "defense approach" to organizing/monitoring files and reporting in a timely fashion.
Let us assist you in all aspects of your subrogation/recovery program, including:
Practice Areas
Contact Us
Federman Law Firm
1241 Johnson Ave., Suite 331
San Luis Obispo, CA 93401
Phone: (805) 542-9002
Fax: (805) 544-5837

Every business should have strong litigation and/or claims management program designed to improve productivity/efficiency and benefit your bottom line. Whether you have an existing program that needs attention or wants to create one, we will customize our services to fit your needs. We know how to manage claims, attorneys, and litigation to save you money. For general information about litigation and claims management, or for specific questions about how Federman Law Firm can help your company, give us a call. Ask about our "Best Practices" seminars and file review services.

Mediation is an informal and confidential way for people to resolve disputes without going to court. A neutral third party called a mediator assists the parties in discussing their differences and reaching a resolution. The mediator does not decide who is right or wrong or issue a decision. Instead, the mediator helps the parties create their own solutions to problems. One of the greatest benefits of mediation is that it allows people to resolve their disputes quickly and inexpensively (compared to litigation), in a non-confrontational environment, and in a way that meets their own unique needs. At Federman Law Firm, we are experienced and skilled mediators. Let us help you resolve your dispute and stay out of court.
Practice Areas
Contact Us
Federman Law Firm
1135 Marsh Street
San Luis Obispo, CA 93401
Phone: +1 (805) 542-9002
Fax: +1 (805) 544-5837